Sewer Inlets

Sewer Inlets are under the maintenance of MSD. If you experience water backup at the inlet on your street contact MSD immediately at (314) 768-6260

  • Do not dump fallen leaves and other yard waste into the inlets, storm drains, or on creek banks.
  • Clean up fallen leaves and other yard waste that reach the street to keep it out of the storm drain system.
  • Use a mulching mower or a mulching blade and leave grass clippings on the lawn as fertilizer.
  • Use fallen leaves as winter or summer mulch or shred them and leave them on the lawn.
  • Compost your leaves, brush, grass clippings, and other yard waste.
  • Do not dump grass or yard waste onto a creek bank or area where it will be washed into creeks and rivers.
  • Contact your municipality or trash hauler about collecting leaves and other yard waste.
  • Do not pour oil, grease, or gas products in sewers