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- Phone: (314) 524-3313
- Fax:
(314) 264-2075 - Staff Directory
- Hours: M - F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
In this Department
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Human Resources
Mission Statement
The Human Resources mission for the City of Berkeley will provide service in a fair, accurate and professional manner. In support of the City's goals, we will maintain a welcoming, confidential, compliant environment and act as a solutions-oriented partner where employees are appropriately placed, oriented and provided the resources necessary to achieve optimal work performance and a rewarding work life. Our primary goal is employee engagement that promotes a healthy work/life balance.
About the Department
When positions within the City of Berkeley become available, they will be posted on line. Deadline dates for applications will vary depending on position and need. All applications can be completed on line. Qualified applicants will be contacted for consideration.
- April Walton, Human Resource Director