City Clerk

Mission Statement

To provide transparent, accurate, and timely legislative history; safeguard all official records of the City; administer open elections; and deliver information and services efficiently and accurately to the Council and to the public.

About the Department

The City Clerk, appointed by the Mayor and City Council, prepares agendas and notices for council meetings, records proceedings from such meetings, and continually provides administrative and secretarial support for the city council.

As the custodian of records, the City Clerk maintains meeting minutes, ordinances, resolutions and other vital documents, as well as the Seal of the City. In addition, the City Clerk performs voter registrations, notary public services, accepts candidacy filings for municipal elections, and administers the Oath of Office to elected officials, required employees and board & commission members.

Other functions of the City Clerk include, but are not limited to, interactions with citizens wishing to express concerns regarding service issues to be directed to appropriate staff and/or Council.


  • Deanna Jones, City Clerk


For more information, contact the City Clerk at (314) 524-3313 ext. 3756.