EMS Ambulance

Mission Statement

To provide the highest quality out-of-hospital emergency medical care and transportation for the residents and visitors of Berkeley, Missouri.

Our highly trained professionals use the best technology to meet the needs of those who require our assistance.

Vision Statement

To be a leader in our profession serving as a role model for other Fire Department agencies who provide Emergency Medical Services, and to be recognized as an organization that all are proud to be associated with. 

About Berkeley Fire Department Emergency Medical Services

The Berkeley Fire Department provides Advanced Life Support emergency medical care with the most proficient state of the art equipment available. Through continuous training with our medical partners, we are always prepared to provide treatment and medical transport in the event of an emergency.

If you are a resident of the City of Berkeley, your insurance will be billed for the ambulance service. Whatever amount is not paid by your insurance will be written off by the Berkeley Fire Department.  The resident has no out of pocket expense for using the ambulance service.  If you have received a letter in the mail requesting information regarding an ambulance run, the Berkeley Fire Department has a billing agency that processes the ambulance bills.  They will need your insurance information to process your ambulance claim.  Please provide them with this information.  

The Berkeley Fire Department ambulance transports to many of the major hospitals in the St. Louis region.  However, if the patient's condition warrants a specialty hospital, then our professional trained staff working with and under the direction of our Medical Control will suggest a hospital that can better address the patient's needs.  In the event of inclement weather and present a safety issue or lengthy transport delays, it may become necessary to transport patients to a closer medical facility. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office, 314-524-3566

Request Medical Records

If you are a Patient or an Insurance Company and need Medical Records and/or Billing Records, please contact our billing agency.

EMSMC Billing
800-814-5339 or www.emsbilling.com/patient/

You may also contact our office at 314-524-3566 or email:  firesecretary@ci.berkeley.mo.us.

If you are an Attorney and need Medical and Billing records, please submit the following items:

  1. The Patient Authorization – this must be signed
  2. A check or money order in the amount of $17.00. Plus $0.10 per page.

Send your request with the appropriate forms and a check or money order made payable to City of Berkeley to: 

Berkeley Fire Department
8401 Airport Road
Berkeley, MO 63134

If you need more information, you may email: firesecretary@ci.berkeley.mo.us.