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Mayor & City Council
Mission from City Charter
All powers of the City of Berkeley shall be vested in an elective City Council pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter and subject only to the limitations imposed within and by the Constitution of the state of Missouri. The Council shall appoint a City Manager who shall execute the laws and administer the government of the City.
About the City Council
The City Council consists of seven members elected for 4 year terms. One of the members is the Mayor, who is considered the President of the Council. Another one of the members is known as the Council-at-Large, who is considered the Vice President of the Council. The Mayor and Council-at-Large are elected city-wide by the qualified voters. The other five Council Members are representatives elected from each Ward by the qualified voters of the respective Wards.
All Council meetings are conducted on the first and third Mondays of every month at 7:00 pm at the Berkeley City Hall. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. Cancellation of any meeting will be posted in the city hall and website.
Contact: Deanna L. Jones, City Clerk 314-524-3313 ext. 3756
City Council Members
- Babatunde Deinbo, Mayor - Bio | Email
- Rita Crawford-Graham, Councilwoman-at-Large - Bio | Email
- Vacant Ward I - Bio | Email
- Brenda F. Williams, Councilwoman Ward II - Bio | Email
- Theodore Hoskins, Councilman Ward III - Bio | Email
- Willie Mae Anthony, Councilwoman Ward IV - Bio | Email
- Elias Hindeleh, Councilman Ward V - Bio | Email