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City of Berkeley, MO CITY OF BERKELEY, MO
Council Meeting 03-03-2025

Monday, March 03, 2025 at 07:00 PM

MEETING DATE: Monday, March 03, 2025 at 07:00 PM

The meeting will accessible by video/audio webinar.

Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. or Dial 1 312 626 6799
Webinar ID: 829 9997 2728
Password: 499324

Please Note: In accordance with RSMo section 610.021, the council may go into closed session during this meeting to discuss matters of litigation, legal actions, and/or communication from the City Attorney as provided under Section 610.021 (1), and/or personnel under Section 610.021 (13), and/or hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting employees under Section 610.021 (3), and/or real estate under Section 610.021 (2).

Misconduct and / or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Documents: Zoom Meeting Link

  1. Meeting Called to Order
    1. Roll Call
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
      Documents: Pledge of Allegiance

  2. Approval of Minutes
    1. Regular Meeting: 02-03-2025
      Documents: Minutes 02-03-25

    2. Special Meeting: 02-10-2025
      Documents: Minutes 02-10-25

  3. Public Hearing
  4. Request for Rezoning, Special Use Permits, Re-subdivision
  5. Resolutions
  6. Citizens Hearings
    1. Robert Lee with Kiwanis Club for Kids Annual Fishing Derby at Ramona-Mathison Lake
    2. Navigate and Chiodini – Construction project status update
    3. Girish Shetty with Pandey Hotel Corporation – 9600 Natural Bridge Hotel
  7. Petitions
  8. Unfinished Business
  9. Introduction of Bills
  10. New Business
    1. Appointments to Board and Commissions
    2. Independent Audit (At-Large Crawford-Graham)
    3. Follow-up on discussion with City Clerk (At-Large Crawford-Graham)
    4. Bids for City Hall renovations and total amount paid (Ward 3 Hoskins)
    5. Dispose of city vehicles process and funds deposited (Ward 3 Hoskins)
    6. Process for selecting construction manager (Ward 3 Hoskins)
    7. Last equipment inventory date (Ward 3 Hoskins)
    8. Status of the Audit (Ward 3 Hoskins)
    9. City Attorney (Ward 3 Hoskins)
    10. Splash Pad at Municipal Pool (Ward 3 Hoskins)
  11. Communications
  12. Reports and Recommendations from the City Manager
    1. Closed Meeting (610.021): Litigation, Real Estate, &/or Personnel
  13. Reports from the City Clerk
  14. Reports from the Attorney
  15. Reports from the Special Committees
  16. Reports from the Standing Committees
    1. Minutes - Board of Adjustment 10-10-2024
      Documents: Minutes 10-10-24

    2. Minutes – City Plan Commission 09-11-2024, 12-10-2024, & 02-18-25
      Documents: Minutes 09-11-24 | Minutes 12-10-24 | Minutes 02-18-25

    3. Minutes - Pension Board 11-21-2024
      Documents: Minutes 11-21-24

  17. Reports from the Council
  18. Audience participation (limited to subjects addressed during the meeting).
  19. Adjournment

    Next Scheduled Meeting: March 17, 2025 at 7pm