Unfinished Business: Bill #5074 - An Ordinance of the City of Berkeley, Missouri, Repealing Ordinance #4818 in its Entirety (W3 Hoskins) - 3rd read Documents: Bill 5074
Discussion: CLA (Clifton Larson Allen LLP), Andrew Zebell to discuss the audits
Discussion Fire Chief Linhardt - Firehouse #2 Update (Acting City Manager)
Discussion: Case 25-01: Recommendation to Plan Commission for consideration of Special Use Permit for full renovation into Marriott Delta hotel - 9600 Natural Bridge (W5 Hindeleh) Documents: Case 25-01
Discussion: Administrative (W3 Hoskins)
Closed Session
Litigation RSMo. 610.021 (1)
Real Estate RSMo. 610.021 (2)
Personnel RSMo. 610.021 (3)
This meeting was set in the 02-03-2025 regular council meeting. Posted on 02-04-2025 Revised on 02-07-2025
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