Please Note: In accordance with RSMo section 610.021, the council may go into closed session during this meeting to discuss matters of litigation, legal actions, and/or communication from the City Attorney as provided under Section 610.021 (1), and/or personnel under Section 610.021 (13), and/or hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting employees under Section 610.021 (3), and/or real estate under Section 610.021 (2).
Misconduct and / or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Documents: Zoom Meeting Link
Request for Rezoning, Special Use Permits, Re-subdivision
Case 25-01: Recommendation to Plan Commission for consideration of Special Use Permit for full renovation into Mariott Delta hotel 9600 Natural Bridge. Documents: Case 25-01
Citizens Hearings
Chyrel Lanos-Sneed and Barbara Huffmon with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc - Request the use of Berkeley City Hall parking lot on April 26th for annual free items giveaway.
Unfinished Business
Bill #5073 An Ordinance Setting the Compensation for Acting City Manager / Human Resource Director April Walton for the City of Berkeley, Missouri (W3, At-Large) 3rd reading Documents: Bill #5073
Introduction of Bills
Bill #5074 An Ordinance of the City of Berkeley, Missouri, Repealing Ordinance #4818 in its Entirety (W3 Hoskins) Documents: Bill #5074
New Business
Appointments to Board and Commissions
Discussion - City Clerk report and protocol (At-Large)
Reports and Recommendations from the City Manager
Closed Meeting (610.021): Litigation, Real Estate, &/or Personnel
Reports from the City Clerk
Reports from the Attorney
Reports from the Special Committees
Reports from the Standing Committees
Reports from the Council
Audience participation (limited to subjects addressed during the meeting).
Next Scheduled Meeting: March 03, 2025 at 7pm
Dialog Title
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